The Climate Letters is a fiction project set in the near future. Every year holds a pair of letters written by a couple of (initially) young professionals, attempting to go about their relatively normal lives as the effects of climate change become gradually but inexorably ever more apparent. This work helps to bring the climate crisis into the realm of the personal and the present, showing how our lives could be affected if we don't take decisive action. The climate crisis will affect everyone, in one form or another, and being prepared for this eventuality is critical.
The Hopeful Climate Letters take a different approach. They explore a different potential future, mirroring the events of the first. In this world, the global community realises it has to act on climate change, and comes together to reshape society. Of course, this is not without setbacks, and the journey faces many hardships - but, in the end, the world is a better place for it. The future can be bright, if we make it so.
All the predictions in both sets of letters are scientifically robust, and links to the relevant research will be gladly provided upon request. Everything written is very much within the realm of possibility.
The Climate Letters is now also available on Kindle - access here.
A short story of mine, based in the same world as the Hopeful Climate Letters, has now been published as part of the And Lately the Sun anthology. You can purchase the ebook here.